Choosing Pool Fencing

Posted on June 28, 2022 by Noah Mitchell

When choosing the right fencing for your swimming pool, it is important to follow the Building
Officials and Code Administrators Guidelines (BOCA). This is an important safety measure that
prevents children from getting to the pool. For example, fences should be no higher than 48
inches above finished ground level. They should also be at least two inches tall with no gap
between the bottom and ground. Children cannot squeeze through vertical slats if they are more
than four inches in height. Pool fences should not have any external handholds.

Further research is needed to measure the protective effect of pool fencing. Additional case-
control studies are also needed to determine if pool fences reduce drowning risks. Further, the

study design should include data on drowning cases and deaths in pools, which would make
evaluation of interventions easier. However, most areas do not collect data on near-drowning
cases, and thus the ascertainment bias will depend on the proportion of unreported cases.
It is important that you check the local building codes before installing pool fencing. Ultra cannot
guarantee that the pool fence will be installed correctly. You may need to hire a professional
landscaper if your pool fence is damaged. A broken pool fence can be dangerous and could
lead to a lawsuit.
There are many types of pool fencing available, including mesh fences. Mesh fences have a lot
of appeal because they are durable and easy to install. While permanent fences allow for clear
visibility of your pool, they are not always practical. If you need to remodel your pool, permanent
fences can be difficult and costly to remove. Mesh pool safety fencing is lightweight and easily
removable so it’s easy to install. And they’re also easy to move around.
The barrier must be at least 48 inches from the grade. If the barrier will be installed above the
pool structure’s structure, it must be at minimum two inches higher than that barrier. To ensure
proper safety, you should check the building codes in your area before installing the fence. You
may face fines or even the closing of your pool entirely depending on where you live. Before
putting up a fence around your pool, be sure you consult with your local authorities.
Pool fencing is an important part of protecting your family members and guests. Children and
pets could easily fall in and out a pool, so it is essential to install a fence around it. It can keep
children and pets out of the pool, while older children can open the gates to get in. Installing an
alarm system for your pool is the third layer of protection. A pool alarm as well as a lockable gate
will notify authorities and protect your home.
Recent research found that pool fences did not protect 87 percent children who drowned in
unfenced swimming pools. The results were unclear as the study did not compare any children.
However, it did discover that children drowning at unfenced pools may also be due to caregivers.
One Queensland study concluded that these factors are not enough to prevent toddler drowning.
However, more research is needed to confirm this conclusion.
Researchers examined three case-control researches on the safety and use of swimming pools.
The risk of drowning was significantly reduced by pool fences, according to researchers. The OR
for drowning due to a swimming pool fence incident is 0.27 (95%CI 0.17 to 0.47). These results
show that pool fencing is vital in protecting children. Unlike the popular misconception, this pool
fence also prevents pets from accessing the pool.

While a swimming pool provides years of enjoyment, it can be extremely dangerous. Children as
young as five years old can drown in a swimming pool. The Consumer Product Safety
Commission says that many drowning incidents could be avoided if pool owners took the proper
safety measures, such as installing a pool fence. This is a vital safety measure because children
can drown if their caregivers are not present. These safety measures will protect your family
from accidental drownings.

